
Lance Lasky

Director of Technology


With Lance's permission, we are providing this update on Lance's health status. Lance Lasky suffered multiple strokes in January and recently entered long-term disability. NBCC is supporting Lance in every way we can through our payroll and benefit policies, but he has many needs we are unable to meet. Because Lance has invested his vocational livelihood into our church ministry and some limitations may be permanent, we want to share his need and ask for prayer for the Lasky family. The family has set up a GoFundMe page that goes into greater detail about Lance's illness, the impact on the family, and ways to pray for and support the family:

Lance’s faith journey started at the age of five when his maternal grandmother offered to lead him in a prayer to make Jesus Christ the Lord of his life. Growing up in the Missouri Synod Lutheran Church provided a conservative biblical education. Through his teen years, he was connected to ministry with Jews for Jesus (JFJ). Music was always a passion. Starting with brass at the age of five and piano/voice at nine. At 15, he began working in the music and theatre industry and also began serving in several non-denominational type churches.

At 19, God led him to a church where his skills and experience proved valuable. At 21, he met another musician while serving at a JFJ Ingathering. They performed together that very first day at the talent show. Michael W. Smith’s song, “Friends,” would prove to be prophetic. They spent the next three years building an ever deeper friendship, one that continues growing to this day. He began to realize his best friend was someone that he would need for the rest of his life. Finally, he made the decision to ask her out on a real date. Lance says, “That’s when my life really began… the day my wife, Holly, first said ‘yes’.”

Shortly after getting married, God led Lance to serve on staff at a 2000+ member church in the South Bay. He served there 13 years, training, designing and installing to meet constantly growing needs.

His and Holly’s daughter, Elia, was born in 2004.

Lance has supported technical and theatrical requirements for several Bay Area ministries and has worked nationally designing, implementing, project managing and training for AV systems in venues supporting 50 to 5000+. He has professional experience in telecommunications, data networking, managing computer hardware/software systems, business/employee management, teaching, public speaking, advertising, communications, music/theatre production and performance including sound, lighting and video for reinforcement and recording.

Lance’s focus is people. While service has always been a passion, he has found learning how to be a servant continues to be a lifelong process. He says, “Equipping and serving is a great joy that continually gives back more than it costs.”