Pastor Hurmon Hamilton was born in San Francisco and raised in Coushatta, Louisiana. He is married to Rhonda Hamilton, M.D., and they have two children: Jonathan and Lauren. He earned his B.A. in Philosophy and History from Grambling State University and his Master of Divinity from San Francisco Theological Seminary.
For seventeen years, Pastor Hurmon served as Senior Pastor of Roxbury Presbyterian Church (RPC) in Boston, MA. During this time, he also served as an adjunct professor at Harvard Divinity School and Gordon-Conwell Seminary; a lecturer at Yale University; and a guest preacher at Princeton and Boston Universities.
In 1998, Pastor Hurmon helped found the Greater Boston Interfaith Organization (GBIO). For almost a decade, he served as President, overseeing its rise as a significant political and moral change agent in Massachusetts. In 2010, Pastor Hurmon and RPC were recognized for developing a groundbreaking Adopt-A-School Initiative. By building a successful partnership between churches, community organizations and Boston Public Schools, the RPC “Dream Again Initiative” transformed The Henry Dearborn Middle School, then targeted for closure, into one of the first early college STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) 6-12 Grade schools in Massachusetts. The Initiative also secured 50 million dollars to construct a new state-of-the-art facility.
Pastor Hurmon returned to the Bay Area in 2011 and served as the Teaching Pastor of Abundant Life Christian Fellowship (ALCF) in Mountain View, CA for two years. Through his weekly messages, leadership and pastoral care, countless lives were deeply touched, transformed and blessed. Following his tenure at ALCF, Pastor Hurmon led the birthing of New Beginnings Community Church in April 2014, where he passionately serves as Senior and Founding Pastor, leading a large and rapidly growing, diverse church community.
Pastor Hurmon says, “If you remove God from the picture of my life, statistically I would not be here; but because of God’s love, grace and power, my life is a miracle! I believe that God wants us to release our faith in Jesus and to dramatically impact and transform our communities and the world just like my life was miraculously transformed. If faith in Jesus Christ can change me from a scarred young boy on a path destined for failure into the person I am today, God can do the same for millions! My life’s mission is to share this great news, which is wrapped in the unconditional love of Jesus, to as many as I can near and far — across the street and across the world!”
Pastor Tilden is married to his wife Mimi and is the proud father of two daughters, Lily and Serena. They live in Fremont, CA. He grew up in Bethesda, MD, just outside of Washington D.C., and came to California to study Electrical Engineering at Stanford University, where he earned his B.S. and M.S. degrees. His theological training was completed at Fuller Theological Seminary, where he earned his M. Div. degree.
Pastor Tilden led the Real World Young Adult Ministry in the Bay Area for over a decade, where in between camping trips, ski trips, and numerous other events, he somehow managed to raise up dozens of passionate young adult leaders with a deep commitment to living out God’s Word by making intentional kingdom-first choices in their daily lives. In 2010 he became the Administrative Pastor/CFO of Abundant Life Christian Fellowship, where he helped to guide the church through an extended season of transition.
Pastor Tilden is tremendously excited for New Beginnings, especially for the ways its broad and deep diversity uniquely expresses the heart of God for all people, and for the vision of NBCC to reach those far from God.
He reflects on his own faith journey by saying, “Somehow God interrupted the plans and expectations I had for my own life! When I was growing up, never did I dream of becoming a pastor. But I’d never change how things have turned out, and I’m so grateful to God to be able to walk alongside people as we all encounter God together.”
Pastor Dan Monroe married his high school sweetheart, Rebecca, in 1970. They have served together in churches for over 40 years. According to him, “She is my better ¾.” Pastor Dan Monroe is a father of two married sons, both serving in churches in the Bay Area, and he is the proud Gramps to seven beautiful and brilliant grandchildren.
Pastor Dan accepted the Lord as his Savior at the age of five. He was born the middle of three children in a loving pastor’s home where he was taught to love and respect the Scriptures with passion. Raised in Southern California, he attended Vanguard University before he was called to Palo Alto, CA in 1973 to become an associate pastor. He was primarily recruited to minister to the huge influx of young people who were on a spiritual search as a result of the “Jesus Movement” in the Bay Area during the 1970s. It was a very exciting time to teach the Scripture because so many were hungry to hear the Gospel. He went wherever they invited him—which included communes up in the hills above Palo Alto and public baptisms at Lake Lagunita at Stanford University. Many of those people who came to Christ now serve in churches and ministries throughout the Bay Area.
In 1978, Pastor Dan Monroe started a church in a home. That budding new church grew into a congregation of 150. He pastored there until 1992. The community created in this gathering is still strong and present to this day. Since then, he has taught and ministered at various churches. His ministries have included overseeing small groups and most recently the marriage and family ministry at Abundant Life Christian Fellowship.
To this day Pastor Dan continues to grow in his love for God, marriage, family, and community. This is the heart that was given to him by God, and he is ready to serve.
Jesse Cottonham, sometimes known as “Uncle Jesse”, is a founding Partner with NBCC. He was born and raised in San Francisco where he still lives a short walk away from the neighborhood in which he grew up.
Jesse retired from PG&E in January 2018 after a 34+ year career in the electric organization. He held various positions during his career including Lineman, Troubleman (first responder), Electric Supervisor, and Human Performance Specialist investigating serious injuries and electrical safety incidents.
Jesse also has over twenty-five years of experience as Youth Director and leader; teaching and mentoring churched and unchurched children, and youth and young adults creating excitement around a growing commitment to Christ-centered living. Furthermore, he served as a Deacon at St. John Missionary Baptist Church (SJMBC) in San Francisco caring for and supporting families and taught Sunday School and Bible study classes.
Jesse also served on Board of Directors of Old Skool Café, a faith-based, violence prevention program that provides job training for at-risk youth.
Jesse was raised in a Christian home and baptized Catholic as an infant. He attended catechism as a youth, had his Confirmation as a teenager and began attending SJMBC in his late teens. As a young husband and father, he realized he couldn’t be what God created him to be without Jesus at the center of his life. As a result, Jesse was re-baptized by immersion and became a full member of SJMBC.
Prior to becoming the Redwood City Campus Pastor, Jesse served as NBCC’s Director of Life Groups. His journey continues as he listens and responds to God’s calling on his life. Many of us experience that amazing moment when God whispers into our hearts, and as a result, everything becomes clear. Sometimes we run, sometimes we don’t listen, and then there is that one time when we do just as Psalms 46:10 says, “Be still and know That I Am”. Each day he is excited to experience the opportunities God gives him to grow more like Jesus.
Jesse is married to his High School sweetheart, Pally, and celebrated 44 years of marriage in August 2022. They have two adult children, Trinece Wade (Anthony), Jesse Chaz (Grace), and four grandchildren, Nia Grace, Nya Joy, Noa Hope and Nashton James.
His hobbies include collecting caps (350+), traveling, attending Warriors games and spending time with his family.
Ja’Mell Agustin is a native of Oakland, California. At a young age, she was actively involved in various church outreach and events. Throughout high school, she exercised her gifts by participating in musical events that led her to many opportunities–one of which she was featured in the 2009 film, La Mission, starring Benjamin Bratt. Ja’Mell has worked with children of many ages teaching multicultural music, and has ten years of experience working with children at Lakeshore Children’s Center in Oakland. In her spare time, she enjoys screen time, hiking, cooking meals with her husband and laughing until her face hurts.
In 2014 Ja’Mell graduated from Grambling State University with a Bachelor of Arts in Music and a concentration in Vocal Music Performance. In June of 2021, she graduated with a Masters in Ministry and Theology from Fuller Theological Seminary. Ja’Mell has served various churches and Christian organizations in a variety of volunteer and paid positions.
Ja’Mell says, “At this point in my journey, I want to help create spaces that foster spiritual formation and authentic relationships that point to Jesus. God calls us into a relationship with Him and to one another. I’ve been in church my entire life, but I didn’t begin to experience transformation in my heart and mind until I found a faith community that challenged and encouraged me. I believe in order to experience the greatest life possible, we must build significant relationships, celebrate community, and help one another walk with Jesus. If we can remember that each of us is a work in progress, learning day by day to follow Jesus, to love God and people, we’ll be amazed by what He is able to do through us!”
Andrea Alo has served in a variety of roles in ministry, both vocationally and non-vocationally, over the past 14 years.
Vocationally, she has served as a ministry assistant for the following ministries: adult biblical education, small groups, men's ministry, women's ministry, marriage ministry, young adults' ministry, senior's ministry, and the singles' ministry– where she ultimately led and taught weekly Bible studies. Non-vocationally, she has served in the Worship Arts ministry as a choir and praise team member, and in annual musical productions. Additionally, Andrea was commissioned as a short-term missionary both locally in San Francisco, nationally to the San Joaquin Valley and New Orleans, and globally to the Philippines. Previously, she served as the Pastoral Care Coordinator, providing support to the pastors in caring for our NBCC partners, whether in joy (births, marriages), sorrow (funerals/memorials), and everything in between (prayer, counseling, baptisms, child dedications). Andrea defines her call as helping to lay a solid foundation of faith in Christ by teaching God's Word, and to love others well by caring for them in times of joy and sorrow.
She was born in Honolulu, Hawaii and lived there until age 11, whereafter she moved to Burlingame, California, where she finished high school. Soon after, she enlisted in the US Air Force as an Emergency Actions Controller and was stationed in Valdosta, Georgia, doing a brief deployment to the country of Bahrain. She is the proud mother of two sons, Jadan and Benjamin, and is like a second mother to many of their friends. In addition to spending time with her family and friends, Andrea likes to travel, bake, watch movies and tv shows, and go to concerts and plays.
Describing her journey with God, she says, "Jesus has taken me from feeling hopeless, worthless, and unseen to being full of hope by miraculously answering many prayers for myself and others, assigning me with the utmost worth by His willingness to die for me, and choosing me to be His child and giving me gifts to make a difference in the lives of others. I am full of purpose, gratefulness, hope, faith, and love simply because of what He has done for me and others in my life!"
Ezemdi Chikwendu, a two-time Grammy winner, was born in Enugu, Nigeria to parents, Abraham, and Elizabeth Chikwendu. Due to being born with albinism, he was adopted by his aunt, Dr. Ruth Onukwue, and lived with her in the Bronx, to ensure that he received the best medical care. Little did he know that coming to the United States would be the start of an incredible God-ordained journey, as his parents and siblings would also come to the United States.
Ezemdi is the husband of Idara Aquaowo Chikwendu, and the father of two girls: Ima-Abasi, and Kelechi Chikwendu. Initially he studied at Berklee College of Music but would earn his BA in Entertainment Business from Full Sail University.
Ezemdi is a self-taught musician who grew up in the church. He got his introduction to worship ministry at the tender age of ten through Bethel Gospel Assembly in Harlem, NY. His family, however, would relocate from the Bronx, to Randolph, Massachusetts shortly after, in 1998. It was in Massachusetts that Ezemdi would join his family in the planting of two churches. Ezemdi has also taken the time to explore music production, composition, and songwriting.
In 2017, Ezemdi joined the God’s Family Church staff, in Fresno, CA. He led the Worship Ministry, Youth Ministry, and served as an Associate Pastor, supporting the late Pastor Alex Maldonado. It was in Fresno, that he got the call to be a shepherd to God’s people. Ezemdi is humbled, honored, and blessed to join the NBCC staff and family. This is a new season, and a new beginning for Ezemdi and his family. He looks forward to continuing to be a blessing to the body of Christ.
With God leading her through every life transition, Soomee immigrated from South Korea to Redwood City and transformed from being a nurse to a seminary student to now being Director of Kids Ministry at NBCC. Combining all of these experiences and her passion for kids, Soomee is able to use all of her blessings to share Jesus’ love with all kids, parents, leaders, and the entire Bay Area.
Born and raised in South Korea, Soomee grew up dreaming of becoming a pianist but decided to serve people and graduated with a nursing degree from Yonsei University. She grew up in church watching her mother serve and enjoying all ministry experiences. Her serving began by singing in the kids choir and playing the piano for worship gatherings.
Soomee worked as a nurse at Samsung Hospital in Seoul and after moving to the United States, she worked at Sequoia Hospital in Redwood City and at Stanford Hospital. She heard God’s calling to pursue kids’ ministry as her career while serving as a Sunday school teacher and a kids’ lay leader at church. She earned her Early Childhood Education and Administration certificate and graduated with a Master’s degree in Education Leadership from Gateway Seminary. Prior to joining NBCC, Soomee served as a children’s pastor for 4 years at a local church.
Soomee and her husband Eugene have been happily married since 2005 and are blessed with two kids, Alison and Harrison, as well as the family dog, Zafra. Outside of ministry, Soomee spends her time cheering at her kids’ sporting events and connecting with family and friends. The craziest thing she has tried is getting certified for scuba diving. She is now looking to learn a new style of jazzy contemporary piano playing.
Ed Ware surrendered his life to Jesus Christ in 1978 at the East Palo Alto Church of God. He served there as Chairman of the Board of Directors as well as church organist. Later, Ed served at Abundant Life Christian Fellowship church as Executive Director of the Enduring Truth radio broadcast ministry, Chairman of the Board of Elders and Worship Director.
Ed graduated from the University of California, Berkeley with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Sociology. He worked as a manager in the business marketing department of AT&T for over two decades. Ed has been married to his wife Sandra for forty years, and they have two adult children. He is looking forward to drawing upon his leadership experience and exercising his spiritual gifting to help move our church forward.
Christina Alo was born and raised in Honolulu, Hawaii and has lived in various parts of the country, on land and sea, including the Pacific Ocean and the American Rivers as she worked for a time on cruise lines. The eldest of 4, she is a proud aunt of 7 nieces and nephews, 3 grandnieces, and 1 grandnephew, and is also a happy dog-mom of Jax and Pirate. Christina loves to travel, cook, paint, technology, and pop culture (music, movies and TV).
With over 15 years of service in both vocational and non-vocational ministry, Christina has served in many areas of ministry, from providing vital support to executive pastors in ministry operations, radio ministry, assimilation and administration to leadership in various ministries, including First Impressions, special events, singles, women and missions.
In her current role as NBCC’s Director of Connections, Christina is the primary Ministry Operations lead at the San Jose campus, overseeing our First Impressions Teams, Guest Experience, Next Steps and drives NBCC's overall connection/engagement strategy for Special Events, Leadership Development and Baptism.
Over the years, Christina has also served as a short-term missionary both locally in San Francisco and globally to Russia, India, the Philippines, Greece and Guatemala. She currently oversees the Transforming Communities efforts at the San Jose Campus, and participates in the leadership of Global Ministry efforts for NBCC.
Describing her journey with God, she says, “Jesus literally and miraculously pulled me up from a very dark place, with what could have been a tragic end for me. He instead, has continued to light up my life with love, peace, power and purpose! With every conscious moment, I am forever grateful!”
Jay is passionate about the Gospel and dedicated to sharing its message with as many people as possible.
His life was profoundly transformed when he embraced Jesus, and he finds unparalleled joy in His love. Jay married his wife, Helena, during the peak of the pandemic, and they now reside in downtown Hayward, where Jay grew up. He graduated from Fuller Seminary in 2015 and has worked in video ministry for over a decade.
Jay discovered his love for film in 7th grade and has been recording ever since. His career includes work with Top Chef, MTV’s Yo Momma, Google, and Cisco. He takes great pleasure in teaching video fundamentals to eager learners and in nurturing church teams. In his free time, Jay enjoys hanging out with his wife and family, socializing, walking his dog Yoshi, and telling Gospel stories.
Luke became a Christ follower when he was a teenager growing up in San Francisco, CA. He earned a B.S. degree in Biological Sciences from UC Davis and a Ph.D. in Molecular Biology from UCLA. While at UCLA, he met and married his wonderful wife, Phoebe. They have two sons, Gabriel and Ean.
When Luke was twelve his family immigrated from Taiwan to the United States. They settled in San Francisco where Luke was introduced to Christ by a faithful Christian family. Since then he has continued to deepen his relationship with God.
Professionally, Luke has over 25 years of experience in the biological research and medical field. He has worked in corporations that have a global presence, and start-up companies who have made cutting edge innovations in the medical research and diagnostic field. Luke has held positions in product development, technical support, marketing, sales, partnership development as well as executive positions. He recently held a position as the CEO of a diagnostic start-up company that operated in the ISO and GMP environment.
Luke is very excited to join the NBCC family and is committed to supporting the staff and the NBCC community in their faith journey of finding and following Christ.
Taylor was born in San Francisco and grew up in East Palo Alto with her brother Dylan, mother Stephanie, and father Dexter Duncan. With music always being at the forefront of her life, she started singing in church choirs from the age of four and participated in many music courses throughout high school. She experienced God’s love within the foundation of the church and grew in faith as she attended and served regularly at Providence Baptist Church in San Francisco, as well as Abundant Life Christian Fellowship with her family.
Taylor graduated from California State University of Channel Islands in 2021 with a major in Liberal Studies and an emphasis in Teaching and Learning with a sub-plan in Developmental Psychology. Due to the pandemic, she returned home to the Bay Area during her junior year. Working as a dean's assistant for the Student Affairs Office during the last two years of college, Taylor quickly learned how to navigate through campus events and resources online via social media promotion and networking, using it to encourage and motivate students to stay engaged with campus events and resources remotely.
Shortly after graduating from college, Taylor was blessed to join the communications team as a social media intern and is excited about the growth opportunities, both personally and professionally. Her hobbies include hanging out with friends and family, hiking/exercising, singing, viewing nature and cooking.
Bruce has over 39 years of experience in the audiovisual field. Over the years, his company, Arete Audiovisual Design Inc., has gained in-depth knowledge of audiovisual system design and integration. Bruce's creative thinking, attention to detail, and troubleshooting skills set him apart from the competition. His passion for excellence drives him.
At an early age, Bruce developed a love for music and sound. At age nine, he recorded the annual Christmas and Easter concerts at his parents' church in San Francisco. At age 12, Bruce accepted the position of sound operator at his home church in San Francisco. He spent the next several years developing his skills in designing, integrating, operating, and troubleshooting audio, video, and lighting systems.
Bruce also studied classical piano and saxophone in his earlier years.
Bruce founded his first company, Signal 1 Audio, in 1986. At that time, his primary focus was live concert sound design and engineering.
In 2001, Bruce received his California State C10 Electrical Contractors License. In 2003, after 23 years, Bruce left the IBEW Local 6 Electrical Workers Union to focus full-time on his passion for audiovisual technology design and integration for Houses of Worship, Corporations, and Medical Facilities.
With 16 years of formal education behind him, Bruce continues to attend training seminars, workshops, and trade shows to stay current on the latest technological developments. Delivering forward-thinking designs and excellent customer service is Bruce's highest priority.
Bruce has been married to Patricia Green for 43 years. They have three beautiful daughters, Ashley, Autumn, and Ayanna, and one Grand Dog, Chai.
To unwind, Bruce enjoys dabbling in the Culinary Arts, viewing model homes, listening to good music, and watching movies with family and friends.
Helena was born and grew up in San Francisco, California. She was a nerdy kid - she read voraciously.
She always says she was an urban “free-range” kid. From middle school on, after school, She had 2-3 hours of free time when she would be on her own until time to meet her father at his office to go home. Shewas all over the city during those hours. Today, no one would let a child roam around a big city unsupervised, but the Lord watched over her.
She moved East to attend the University of Maryland and earned a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science. A typical rebellious preacher’s kid, she was not saved as a child, but within three months of arriving on the East Coast, the Lord broke down all her resistance. She was born again, and became a new creature in Christ Jesus. Helena was discipled at the Refreshing Spring Church of God in Christ where she fell in love with the Bible, eventually becoming a Sunday School and Youth Group teacher. In 1993, she completed a life-changing short-term mission trip to Sao Paulo, Brazil, working with street kids in the big city.
Professionally, Helena began her career as a software developer in the healthcare industry. After seven years, she transitioned into project and program management and over time, she became a subject matter expert in the art and science of managing projects. In 2005, she returned to California because her parents were aging and needed her. She lost her Mom to cancer in 2010 and spent the next 10 years as a full-time caregiver for her Dad. She transitioned to remote work in 2012 so that she could stay home with him, and has worked from home since then.
Helena loves to travel, particularly to Spanish speaking countries, because she' has studied Spanish for most of her life and is almost fluent. She loves to worship God in both English and Spanish and attends the Spanish service at her local church. Having worked in healthcare technology for decades, she has a desire to use her professional skill-set to facilitate ministry and that’s what brought her to NBCC.
Hailing from the Bronx, NY, Audrey Austrie Holmes is the wife of Tracy Holmes II and mother to Curtis and Gabrielle Holmes. She was born to Caribbean parents who shared their love for God, family and music with her. She served alongside her parents in ministry, singing in ensembles and choral groups, dancing liturgically, and playing the drums throughout the United States and the Caribbean. This is where her love for music and passion for worship developed.
Audrey moved to Nashville, TN to attend Vanderbilt University where she earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology. At Vanderbilt, Audrey was involved in campus ministry singing in the gospel choir, serving on the leadership team, and performing with the campus dance company. Upon graduating, Audrey remained in Nashville and served in her local church as the Worship Leader, an Assistant Youth Minister, led a Young Women’s Bible Study group and wrote music and productions for the Youth ministry. In 2008, Audrey was licensed as a minister. This was a pivotal moment in which she felt a deeper connection with the Holy Spirit, propelling her to share God’s love in whatever way that she could.
In 2010, Audrey moved to California to join her husband Tracy as he completed his graduate studies at Stanford University. In California, Audrey has led worship gatherings for multiple churches, has been blessed to minister with many gifted musicians and vocalists through church productions, concerts and other events.
Professionally, Audrey is the Residency Program Manager for the Internal Medicine Residency Training Program at Stanford. She is the co-director for the Non-Academic Staff Leadership Development Program and serves on the Medicine Residency Diversity Committee. She has been at Stanford since 2010 and has worked in multiple administrative capacities. Audrey has enjoyed working alongside, residents, faculty and colleagues in such a wonderful academic environment.
Whether at work, home or at church, Audrey strives to serve others, to be her authentic self and to express the love of Christ as a daily act of worship. She is grateful for the prayers of her family – past and present – that have sustained her journey with the Lord. Audrey is excited to serve on staff at NBCC where she has volunteered on many teams (Communion, Next Steps, Set-Up and Worship Arts) for years. To God Be the Glory!
Jackie Hua was born in Vietnam and was sponsored from a Malaysian refugee camp to Washington State as a young girl with her family. In 1985, she and her family moved to San Jose, CA and have since made the Bay Area their home.
Jackie graduated with a B.S. in Biology from Santa Clara University and later obtained a Certification in Multimedia/Desktop Publishing from Masters Institute. Having over 25 years in the print industry, she has gained extensive knowledge and experience in large-format printing working at SuperGraphics, Inc. and EXLprints and later expanded her knowledge in offset and digital printing as an account manager at Fineline Graphics & Design, Inc. and then as a project coordinator in the Office of Marketing and Communications at Santa Clara University. She also freelances as a graphic designer, designing printed collaterals, web graphics, vehicle wraps, logos, apparels, books and CD covers for various clientele.
At age 19, Jackie began her journey with God and quickly started serving as a volunteer in many facets of church ministry, including worship and media ministry, children’s ministry, puppet ministry, and prison ministry. She has a deep passion for worship and desires to see people transformed through a personal encounter with the presence of the living God.
She enjoys watching the Golden State Warriors, hiking, road trips, traveling, attending worship concerts and Christian conferences, discovering new eateries, and just plain ole good fellowship with friends.
Bay Area native, Lillian Yvette Jenkins has been the catalyst behind marketing and communications strategy for Yahoo!, Johnson & Johnson, the California Diversity Council, Banana Republic, Blue Shield of California and more. She has been a member of NBCC since its inception in 2014.
Lillian is a graduate of UCLA and is the founder of SavvyClick Marketing where she provides marketing consulting to help companies connect with communities in authentic and engaging ways. Lillian is a writer and certified yoga instructor and when she’s not entertaining or exploring the Bay, you can find her practicing assorted asanas on her yoga mat.
Jo Ann is married to her husband, Terry Murphy, and they live in San Leandro, CA. Jo Ann and Terry have 5 grown children together and 6 grandchildren, including one born 11/17/2016!
Jo Ann grew up in Oakland, CA. She accepted the Lord Jesus Christ into her life over 12 years ago. She has grown in her personal relationship with God and continues to grow in her faith walk as she lives out her faith day-to-day.
After Terry and Jo Ann joined Abundant Life Christian Fellowship in 2005, Jo Ann had decided that she wanted to work for the church. In 2014 she did get the opportunity to work in a church office environment! She was blessed to serve the people of God during some of their most difficult times of need. She worked with the Pastor over Bereavement, and she often had the opportunity to assist many of church members during their times of grief. It was then, that Jo Ann discovered just how passionate she is about the serving the needs of others.
Jo Ann has a genuine love for God and His people, and as a Partner of New Beginnings Community Church (NBCC), she has been privileged to serve many of the families who attend NBCC. Also, she loves serving in the Children’s and Youth Ministries (CYM) with all of the babies! Now that Jo Ann has the opportunity once again to officially work alongside the people of New Beginnings Community Church. Jo Ann says, “I feel like I am home again!”
Terry Murphy is married to JoAnn Murphy and is the father of a blended family that includes five wonderful children—three sons and two daughters. He is also the proud grandfather of five. Terry was born in Greenville, Mississippi, and he moved to California in 1969 with his mother and younger brother. Currently, Terry and his wife live in San Leandro.
Although as a child Terry’s mother brought him to church every Sunday, it was not until later in his life that he accepted Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior.
After spending twenty years in the printing industry, Terry had assumed that this would be his lifelong career. Then, shortly after he was invited to Abundant Life Christian Fellowship (ALCF) in 2004, God began to show him that He had a different plan. Terry took a class called, “The Holy Spirit and His Gifts,” and God revealed to him that he had been blessed with the gift of service.
After coming to know Jesus, Terry put this gift into full use and began serving in full-time ministry at ALCF. He served with the Parking Ministry, the Stewardship Team, Events, and the Facilities Team. He also worked with volunteers who were required to participate in community service. Today, we are blessed that God has called Terry to serve at New Beginnings Community Church in the area of Operations.
In addition to spending time with family, Terry enjoys cooking, barbecuing, watching movies and visiting the shooting range.
Born and raised in California, Easther grew up as a pastor’s kid, witnessing her father plant and nurture a church and its ministries.
Through this, she learned about God’s compassionate and loving nature, understanding the importance of loving and cherishing children as Jesus taught.
With a passion for both music and teaching, Easther pursued a bachelor’s degree in Piano Performance and performed in a trio. However, their calling extended beyond the stage. She transitioned into administrative roles at the Music Departments of SFSU and SJSU, and also contributed to the Opera San Jose Education Department and Outreach, making a lasting impact in the arts community.
Despite a successful music career, Easther always felt drawn to working with children. Embracing this calling, she became a full-time 3rd grade teacher, where she combined creativity, faith, and a deep love for children. Easther believes that the fruit of the Spirit is a blessing from God and is committed to teaching these foundational skills to guide students in their spiritual and academic growth.
At the heart of Easther's teaching philosophy is building meaningful relationships, ensuring that both students and parents feel heard and valued. In her personal life, Easther enjoys life with a loving husband and their beautiful, energetic daughter. Together, they love spending time outdoors, playing, and going on adventures.
Minh was born in Vietnam and moved to the U.S. at a young age, growing up in San Jose with her two sisters and parents.
She recently started her faith journey with her best friend and is eager to learn more about ministry while being inspired by her Christian community.
Minh graduated from the Academy of Art University in San Francisco in 2013 with a BFA in Graphic Design and is currently pursuing a UI/UX certification. Over the years, she has worked as a print and digital designer for several high-tech companies in the Bay Area. Minh enjoys researching new design trends and discovering what excites her creatively.
In her free time, Minh loves spending time with her best friends and her dogs, Boba and Soju, as well as hiking, camping, and snorkeling in tropical locations. She's looking forward to traveling more with her family in the coming years. Her favorite holiday is Christmas.
Trinece is a native San Franciscan raised by two loving parents who were very active in ministry. She was always taught to put God first in everything and that it only takes a mustard seed of faith for God to move in her life.
Trinece grew up in St. John Missionary Baptist Church in San Francisco where she accepted Christ at the age of nine. She regularly attended Sunday School, served on the usher board, sang in the youth choir, and was a very active member of the youth ministry. In 2013, Trinece was invited by her parents to check out Abundant Life Christian Fellowship (ALCF) in Mountain View and she fell in love with the church community. She joined a Life Group where she really began to recognize God in her life. Her spiritual walk grew and her relationship with Christ became stronger. She discovered that she had the gift of administration so she became the Life Group’s administrative assistant. In March 2014, she transitioned to New Beginnings Community Church (NBCC) where she used her gifts to serve on the pastor’s research team as well as serve as Pastor Hurmon’s interim Senior Assistant.
While serving as Pastor Hurmon’s Senior Assistant, she was also working for the San Francisco City & County Municipal Transportation Agency (MUNI). Trinece felt that God was calling her to a different ministry that included encouraging people daily with her Instagram and Facebook stories. She used social media as a tool to spread God’s love and to be a light to those who followed her on social media.
By God’s grace and to her surprise, in August 2019, Trinece was offered a part-time position as NBCC’s Social Media Coordinator. Trinece found her passion caring for others through social media as God’s calling for her life was becoming greater. In January 2020, after working for MUNI for 13 years, Trinece accepted a full-time position as NBCC’s Digital Community Manager where she continues to serve today.
Trinece attended San Francisco State University where she majored in Accounting. She has been happily married to Anthony Wade since August 2011, and they are the proud doggy-parents of 12 year-old Chico.
An-Ti Wang was born in Taiwan and immigrated to the U.S. when he was 6 years old. His family settled in Georgia and later moved to North Carolina where he grew up. He was introduced to Christ in elementary school by his best friend who was a pastor’s son. An-Ti attended a Methodist church during his high school years. He earned his Bachelors in Electrical Engineering from Georgia Tech and his MBA from Harvard Business School. He worked for General Electric and completed GE’s Manufacturing Management Program during the three years between his Bachelors and Masters programs.
An-Ti has over 20 years of Operations experience focusing on Supply Chain Management. His experience is primarily in the electronics industry working for companies ranging from start-ups to large Fortune 500 corporations. He has held roles in Test and Manufacturing Engineering, Management Consulting, and Supply Chain Management. Most recently, An-Ti was Senior Director of Supply Planning and Forecasting at NETGEAR Corporation.
An-Ti is most proud of his role as husband to Sharon Lam Wang and father to their three boys: Cameron, Corey, and Chase. Cameron and Corey are twins, and Chase is the youngest by 2 years. The boys’ main extra-curricular activities are baseball and piano. An-Ti coaches his sons on baseball, and Sharon helps with piano. Good thing, because An-Ti has zero musical talents. When he has time, An-Ti tries to get out for an occasional round of golf. However, his family and following God are what bring him the most joy in his life.
An-Ti is extremely excited about his new career at NBCC with its commitment to reaching out and transforming communities. We are starting something special here in the Bay Area that helps people in their daily lives and brings joy and fulfillment to us as we serve.
Sandi Adger is a retired widow and the mother of three daughters and one son as well as the grandmother of four grandsons and one granddaughter. She has been walking with Jesus since her teens. Sandra formerly served on the Worship Arts Team and Trustee Board at Cummings Park CME Church and as the Financial Secretary at East Palo Alto Church of God. She has witnessed many miracles, including the healing of her eldest daughter from cancer. Her hobbies include quilting and collecting sewing machines.
Craig Chan is a Bay Area native and lives in Sunnyvale with his wife, Laura, and three children (Daniel, Lauren and Nathan). His journey of faith in Jesus began in high school through the ministry of Young Life, and it continued through his involvement with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship at Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo.
He has spent the majority of his career in the high-tech sector, serving in various roles in Program and Project Management, Marketing and Engineering. He has also previously served in lay leadership roles at Menlo Church and Abundant Life Christian Fellowship.
When he’s not working, you’ll often find him walking his dog, Sunny, or enjoying the outdoors. Two of his favorite activities include hiking and river rafting (he has rafted on three different continents—his longest journey was a 225 mile trip through the Grand Canyon).
He considers it an honor to serve on the Elder Board at NBCC and is blessed to attend a church that truly values people, diversity and living out the gospel by making an impact in communities near and far.
Normajean Hinders was a member of her former church for 16 years. In addition to teaching a number of biblical study courses, she served in the worship arts department and on the communion team with her husband, Duane. As a minister’s daughter, faith and practice surrounded her upbringing. Even though she was baptized at age 7, as an adult, she had to make another step of faith, becoming God’s daughter rather than His grandchild, as she learned about the power of the Holy Spirit.
Normajean is married to Duane, who is a retired professor from Foothill College and who also served as administrator and teacher within Palo Alto Unified School District. They have two married children and three exceptional grandchildren! Normajean and Duane are co-directors of a summer AP Teacher Training program. For recreation, they enjoy scuba diving as they experience God’s incredible underwater world in exotic, warm places.
As a professional counselor for over 30 years and as an author, Normajean has a passion for seeing how the Holy Spirit heals the soul and gives power to change direction in one’s life. She has also been a frequent speaker in training programs, at conferences and retreats both in California and through the country where she guides others to apply faith to practice.
Brad, a Bay Area native born and raised in Oakland, attended UC Berkeley and now lives in Belmont with his wife, Andrea.
Married for 36 years, they have three children and four grandchildren. Their oldest son, Drew, and his wife, Nicole, attend NBCC with their baby son, Connor. Brad has spent his career in Silicon Valley, working for technology companies and consulting for both tech organizations and non-profits. He and Andrea have been part of Sequoia Church for 24 years and are now excited to join the NBCC community.
Dennis Logie was born in Colorado but moved with his family to Redwood City when he was 8 years old. He grew up and attended local schools—Taft, Hoover, Sequoia High School, and even commuted from home to attend Stanford University.
He met his wife, Dagmar, at Stanford, courted her vigorously, and they will celebrate their 64th wedding anniversary this January. He has two children, a son and a daughter, with grandchildren and even great-grandchildren.
He worked in banking, mostly in computers and computer education, until he responded to the Lord’s call to walk away from that career to become an associate pastor at Sequoia Church. He took specialized training from Fuller Seminary and had a large religious library (around 8000 books). He was promoted to senior pastor after three years and served in that capacity until he retired in 2005.
Dennis has been active with area churches, serving as President of the Redwood City Clergy Association, President of the Peninsula Clergy Association, and even wrote a religious newspaper column.
He enjoys reading, dining out with his wife, playing tournament softball, his extended family (mostly in the Sacramento area), and working with children locally in schools and charities. He was an elder at Sequoia for 54 years and now wants to serve with NBCC.
Tom Recine has been a follower of Jesus for over 40 years. He invited Christ into his heart during a Bible study that he was facilitating at his place of employment. He and his family had recently started attending a local Bible-believing church in Palo Alto where they stayed for 34 years.
Before that time they had attended a Roman Catholic Church as that was where he was brought up. It has been an amazing journey since then. Shortly after his conversion he began to attend Bible Study Fellowship where he became a teaching leader for over 10 years and an area advisor for over 10 years as well. He and his wife, Marion, came to their former church about 7 years ago where they taught the Life in Christ class for 5 years and also taught a marriage enrichment class in their home. He co-taught Biblical study classes for 3 years as well. He and Marion have been in home fellowship groups for 40 years, many of which he’s facilitated.
Tom has a BS degree in physics and a Masters of Business Administration. Most of his business career was spent in the semiconductor Industry where he retired 16 years ago as a Corporate Vice President of Marketing.
He and Marion have raised 5 children all of whom know the Lord Jesus as do their spouses. They have 15 grandchildren and 4 great grandchildren.
Jonathan holds a Master of Divinity Degree from the American Baptist Seminary of the West, now known as the Berkeley School of Theology. He has also served as the interim pastor of Jerusalem B.C. in Palo Alto, a congregation instrumental in NBCC's inception.
Path to NBCC: My family and I were led to NBCC as founding partners where I joined Pastor Hurmon's message-research team. My role evolved to team-lead; navigating through various iterations of the team and research, till 2019 with the conception of NBCC's first in-person Bible Study: Reveal. While COVID-19 presented challenges to those plans, it also opened doors to an enriching online Study which I have been blessed to help facilitate since its inception.
Skip Vaccarello was born in the Boston area and moved to the Bay Area in 1979. Currently, Skip serves NBCC from the East Coast, where he resides, having moved back in early 2021. He and his wife, Jackie, have been married since 1978. They have two daughters and six grandchildren. Skip became a follower of Christ in 1986. His passion is to help people know Jesus.
Skip has over 40 years of experience in leadership positions for various technology companies. Currently, he is a partner with 1Flourish Capital and is the author of Finding God in Silicon Valley: Spiritual Journeys in a High-Tech World. Skip serves on various boards, including Connect Silicon Valley, which he chairs. He earned an AB from Harvard College and an MBA from Boston University.
Cooky has extensive experience serving at Cedar Mill Bible Church, a church known for leaders like Pastor John Mark Comer. She was mentored by the esteemed Dr. John Perkins, a retired national figure in racial reconciliation.
Path to NBCC: When I walked in (to NBCC) I thought I had died and gone to heaven. NBCC is a uniquely diverse church and reflects the truth that God loves all people. One of its values is the belief that what God wants NBCC to accomplish as a church can only be done together…and it speaks to my heart from Ephesians 3:10. “His intent was that now, through the church, the manifold wisdom of God should be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms, according to the eternal purpose that He accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
Ed Ware surrendered his life to Jesus Christ in 1978 at the East Palo Alto Church of God. He served there as Chairman of the Board of Directors as well as church organist. Later, Ed served at Abundant Life Christian Fellowship church as Executive Director of the Enduring Truth radio broadcast ministry, Chairman of the Board of Elders and Worship Director.
Ed graduated from the University of California, Berkeley with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Sociology. He worked as a manager in the business marketing department of AT&T for over two decades. Ed has been married to his wife Sandra for forty years, and they have two adult children. He is looking forward to drawing upon his leadership experience and exercising his spiritual gifting to help move our church forward.