Men's Ministry

Our Men's Ministry is dedicated to growing our relationship with Christ and following Him more courageously by fostering strong connections among men, expanding our reach through small groups, and actively serving our community.  We emphasize prayer, engaging with God's Word, and encouragement.

Currently, this includes:

Monthly men's fellowship meetings as a large group and breaking into table/discussion groups to engage with and apply the content to our lives.

Developing and supporting men's Life Groups throughout the Bay Area.

Men's Retreats ranging from one day to a full weekend, for in-depth content and relationship building.

Service projects

Thank you for considering a gift of stocks or mutual funds to New Beginnings Community Church.

Stock or mutual fund gifts are often a preferred way of giving because donors generally receive a tax deduction for the market value of the securities while avoiding payment of capital gains on the appreciated value of the security. For tax guidance, we encourage you to consult your broker or tax advisor.If the securities are held by your bank or broker, the easiest way to donate them to NBCC is electronically via the Depository Trust Co. (DTC) system:

Get Involved

Do you have a project recommendation or want to attend a men’s group? We welcome your input and encourage you to reach out to us.

Contact for Men's Ministry

Ja’Mell Agustin

Associate Pastor of Discipleship and Life Groups