Flawed Follower

A Flawed Follower

Sep 1, 2024
Hurmon Hamilton

This message kicks off the "Flawed Follower" series, which follows the relationship between Jesus and Simon Peter, who was one of Jesus' closest followers. Peter did not come from high social status, and he was an imperfect person, but Jesus chose to invite him into relationship as a follower and a close member his circle. In turn, Peter's relationship with Jesus led to Peter working to bring multitudes to Jesus. Before Peter came to follow Jesus, Jesus performed two miracles in Peter's life. From these first two interactions, we learn that Jesus chooses us before we choose Him; that Jesus chooses us despite our flaws; that even when still have questions about Jesus, we can still follow Him out of respect and he will work in our lives; and that Jesus shifts our attitudes to be more like him.

Study Notes