The Hope of Peace

The Search for Inner Peace

Dec 1, 2024
Hurmon Hamilton

In the lead-up to Christmas, we kick off the Hope of Peace Series. In this first message, Pastor Hurmon uses the discussion between Mary and Gabriel to discuss the ways we are able to find and experience peace in a time of turbulence and uncertainty. In order to do this, we must remember that even though we have a story that dominates our life, our most important role is as a part of God's ultimate story.

When we focus on God' story, we remember that there is peace, even in what appears to be uncertainty, and we are able to find perspective.  While our story may change from good to bad, and is focused on the day to day, God's story lasts forever, always points towards bringing people back into relationship with God. The way we focus on God's story is by remembering that God has a calling and purpose on our lives; saying "yes" to that calling, even when we aren't sure what that entails; and using even our hard times and uncertainty to bring glory to God. In addition, we must focus on and engage with God's will; stop trying to control what's not ours to control; and trust God with the things we cannot change. When we do this, we are able to find serenity in God's ultimate stories, no matter what is happening in our own dominant stories.

Study Notes